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Michelle Schafieh

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I am Michelle Schafieh, like many of you, I’m constantly on the go. I volunteered for my local community if I was not busy studying for school. What always kept me motivated to strive for success was: Islam. I grew up in West Hollywood, and although I love my city, I never had a strong Muslim community.

Most of my knowledge came from my parents and online. What constantly kept me motivated were personal articles that I would come across describing Islam and the impact it had on people’s lives. Specifically, I once read an article about how smiling was a form of zakat and even though the act is small, it does go a long way.

I wanted to create content where even the busiest of people would still be able to take a quick break to be reminded of the beauty of Islam and how it truly is a way of life. By sharing my stories and how Islam has affected my life, I hope to motivate my brothers and sisters the same way I stay motivated.

I hold a B.S. in Psychobiology with a minor in Islamic Studies from UCLA and an M.S. in Healthcare Systems Engineering from LMU. Currently, I am a Software Application Specialist at Cedars Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles.

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